Welcome to Plannie Trip

Your destination for planning your travel routes.
The main activity of the company is to develop and share travel planning services for people with special needs who aim to experience their dream trip while giving them the opportunity to do so. These services are offered to individuals, groups, travel partners and more.

We offer planning services whether for an inter-regional trip, to another country, a road trip, camping, back-pack trip, family trip, cultural trip, events elsewhere and more. All planned according to your requests or by taking advantage of the itineraries already on sale!


Pre-made itineraries

A complete travel itinerary in PDF version with everything you need to make your trip.

Instantly accessible routes

During your purchase and upon receipt of your payment, have direct access to your downloadable route.

Editable itineraries

At your leisure, take one of our pre-made itineraries and change things up or have us do it for you.

Several countries available

We have designed itineraries for the majority of popular destinations around the world.  Discover the itinerary of your favorite destination now.

We take care of your memories

Plannie Trip is a unique way to create memories and help you have the trip of your dreams.

Partners for everything

For the reservation of your hotel ,your plane ticket or an excursion we have the partner to complete your experience.


We have several partners in the travel industry. Visit them online now for the best prices.


Did you know that we offer English lessons to make your life easier when traveling? We offer several packages that can help you improve your English. Find out!


To learn more about our procedures and itineraries or for any additionnal information, contact us.